Monday, October 31, 2022

Feel human.

Feel human.

The Sun shines through the cracks. Life can be torrid, horrible, dull, or just dreary. But there is a sun, and the sun shines through the cracks. Here are few reasons I like reading the Sun Magazine.

The Sun is a place to ponder and reflect, with joy, excitement, heartache and disappointment, all wrapped up in a ad-free package calling out to you. A place where my heart is allowed to be tender.

People often say they respond viscerally to what the Sun prints. Perhaps that’s because the heartfelt writing doesn’t compete with clever ads for attention. Instead of distracting with tempting offers, The Sun invites contemplation and understanding, feeling.

If anything you’ve read in The Sun has made you feel more alive—if your heart has raced, or tears have filled your eyes, or you’ve felt a shiver of recognition and realized you were not alone.

A lot of places/people/media try to dehumanize you and I. You and I are still human and (I suppose) need to read about other humans and how they manage this grand and mighty world with all it’s foibles.

“I am human, therefore nothing human can be foreign to me.” Maya Angelou

Feel human. 


The Sun Magazine is doing a special offer for subscribers. If they purchase one gift subscription, they will also get a free gift subscription to give away. I would like to gift two subscriptions to two someones who will actually read the Sun and allow it to do it’s magic. If you are interested, please DM or PM me, or whatever you call it. Thx. 

 Just one example of the writing:


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