Sunday, June 29, 2008

sun mag 's poem Dec07

Sun magazine December 2007

This is a poem(?) I created from phrases I really like/disagree with/find interesting out of the sun magazine December 2007 issue .

Marriage has always seemed [im]possible to me
For I paid the price for believing
Steps along the path toward acceptance led to
Presence between the words facing my
Argument with reality.
When we let our guard down
Reality rushes into the cracks.
Not much is written about
Trying to hold on to it…the best way to lose it
Ask, what am I, really?
The most important thing in your [my] life
Is routine.
Attitude and attention assist with
finding out about life.
[when were you most unafraid of your actions]?
When I acted on truth alone
Do they like me? Who cares.
This is the serious task of personal inquiry
Your good sense is vital always.
Death is like that
Anger comeing from wholeness
Able to express that perspective.
What is that?
Well functioning egos are nicer to be around
When we’re all awake I was made
Into a passable adult
What was interesting? It is that
All writers are essentially travel writers
Everything was [is] potentially interesting and
Because he saw this, I had a chance to become it.
How close the poor student often is to doing good work
Between the selves.
Authoring everything.
Show me the art of teaching.
Find vulnerable aliveness.
Teaching is giving errands
Long and necessary silence between them.
Remembering to never touch the wizard
Something fascinating in the details.
Asking juicy questions in
Times like this.
Hip young pastors,
Burn with the love of Jesus Christ.
The idea of Jesus
As only an English teacher.
Recognizing this to be the voice of God
While waiting for the whiskey to kick in
Without trying to figure out,
How to find [the] nectar,
Being left behind shows
What it really means to be married.
Become less prone to bickering.
Wanda’s Asian beauty,
Seemed less tormented.
Punishing nauseating rounds of chemotherapy [really sucked].
Making plans, living life in the end.
Feeling there is nothing so final as a corpse in your midst.
The pain and hilarity of it all
I remember my resistance to love.
Trying to learn how to love,
To love others as though we are all dying all the time.
Having children opens your heart.
Only the love between two people can show
Whatever mystery had brought him to us helped us
Get ready to say goodbye.
Receiving help instead of giving it is different
When I’m courting my own husband and
Feeling attractive by youthful standards.
She has similar grace and courage in
Her hope chest.
Dance just enough to make the morning feel like a celebration because
It is just automatic, a fact of life.
Formenting a revolution of my own
Substitutes for living fully in the present.
Well, if that’s what you want;
Life in its particulars.
What is fundamentally mysterious shadows
Pespective of the observer
Living ordinary human life amplifies
Every loss.
I am a bride married to amazement.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

one step at a time

a poem I wrote after reading the latest Kufunda village newsletter

One step at a time

A prayer for peace
Such a big and sometimes overwhelming word.
A prayer for action
Kind words to a stranger or loved one.
Each one a drop in the water.
Make it ripple/ boil.

The past bleeds through
Pages of the calendar.
Eyes of the people
Revealing /hiding desperate wants
[desperate enough to cause
shedding tears of hope.

Winds of change blow
Red drops on the foundation
Built strong with intention
Change comes, hope takes shape
But one step at a time.

--Matt Crichton
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