Saturday, November 29, 2008

shooting star knows difficult world

Shooting star
Shooting star over South Pacific seas
Straight and bright
Cutting through darkness
Guiding the journey with ease

Colorful paupau cuts through
Crystal blue water
Ocean bound for bigger fish

To feed its people
Growing, playing, loving, living.
Under the stars shooting bright.

--Matt crichton

a poetry book i read...
Atlas of a difficult world (Adrian moore??)

Now I have a house, a job from year to year. What does that make me?
If you had known me once, you’d still know me now though in a different light and life.
This is no place you ever knew me.
I promised to show you a map you say but this is a mural.
Reaching the heart of the desperate woman (man)
Poems on a weary wall
Places where life is cheap, poor, quick, undocumented
There a re roads to take
Language has rotted to jargon
If your voice could overwhelm those waters. What would it say?
I honor your truth and refuse to leave it at that.
Where the kindered spirit touches this wall it crumbles
A patriot is one who wrestles for the soul of her country.
Because life is short and you too are thirsty.
I know you are reading this poem because there is nothing else left to read.
And so hating and loving come down to a few columns of figures.
How do you teach a child what you won’t believe?
What does it mean to say, “I have survived?”

Monday, November 3, 2008

Even In Goodbye

Even In Goodbye
There is love even in goodbye.
But that act is so hard,
To let someone go
Whether in this life or the next.
Who loves enough to release
Love enough to let go.

The pain cuts deep, if you really let it feel.
Seep through you, or maybe a strike
Flashes like lightening.
Thunder echoing le taimi umi.
Does the hurt end?
Some say no, some remember the celebration of life
A bit of happy among the blue

Burning a crackling red and orange
Love consumes wholly
Does the light in the eye or touch express?

What only a tear of goodbye can douse
Smoldering memories recent
How far away is a goodbye?
Around the corner or a lifetime of distance
Any distance can seem to far.

Sometimes I wonder if a goodbye could be a sort of happiness
If you love your bird let if spread wings wide

To really be happy fai le mamao.
Bad to be close, want to far away
Let it go with good wishes
Pain is ending
Remember the love.

--Matt Crichton
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